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Attracting and Retaining Top Talent is Harder Than Ever.

We produce videos that help you get the right people in the right seats.

More Powerful Than a Job Description

Video takes candidates beyond canned language found in job descriptions. Video shows the viewer your workplace, introduces them to your team and helps them feel your culture. It is a  powerful onboarding and training asset that improves efficiency and saves money. It’s your story, we bring it to life.


Beyond a Culture Video

Video is the new learning medium. It reveals careers, daily work, and top-tier skills. A strategic video approach transcends one-off culture videos, showcasing your organization and attracting top talent across roles.

we work anywhere-video

We Serve Businesses and Organizations Across America

Every business has a story. Our award winning team travels the country to bring your story to life.

learn more →


Culture Videos

  • Attract the right people

  • Engage top candidates

  • Build trust and credibility

Trex Commercial Brand Anthem Video

Brand Anthem Videos

  • Energize and inform your followers

  • Inspire your team

  • Promote your brand in social media

Supreme Orthopedic

Videos for Talent Acquisition

  • Share your culture

  • Show a “day-in-the-life” at your organization

  • Identify the right person for the right seat

integrated building solutions

Training & Professional Development Videos

  • Onboarding training

  • Ongoing training and development

  • Videos for learning management systems

Boyum Barenscheer Day in the Life Video

Day-in-the-Life Videos

  • Introduce candidates to your team

  • Provide inside perspective

  • Set realistic expectations

"I worked with StoryTeller for more than a decade on dozens of videos for our company. They were a fantastic partner that really got to know our culture and values to ensure the message coming across to our audiences was authentic and effective. I would highly recommend them for any type of video, whether it is for a product launch, an event, or a corporate profile."

Kim Bliss
Technical and Marketing Content Manager
Uponor North America



Ready to Chat?

Grab a time on my calendar to discuss
your video project.

Kathy Heil, Partner
