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Ed Heil

Ed Heil is the president of StoryTeller Media + Communications. StoryTeller is an inbound marketing agency and video production company based in Minneapolis. Ed blogs about inbound marketing, video production, social media, and media relations.

The Power of StoryTelling: How Video Marketing Drives Brand Advocacy

There is no greater endorsement for a brand than one that is created organically and delivered altruistically; unsolicited and entirely authentic.

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Producing Video in 2024? Download Our Editable Video Script Template

This blog was originally published in 2016 and was updated in July 2024. You have brainstormed, planned, and created your budget, but are you ready...

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The 7 Best Show-Stopping End of Year Event Video Ideas

Editors Note: This blog was originally published on Oct 26, 2015, and was updated on July 9, 2024. Year end can be a stressful time for leaders as...

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Rediscover StoryTeller: Launching Our New Video Production and Club Marketing Focus

What was old is now new, again! StoryTeller recently announced that StoryTeller Media and Communications is splitting into two entities in an effort...

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empty video production studio

17 Essential Video Production Questions to Ask Before Creating a Video

This blog post was originally published on August 2, 2022. It was updated and republished on June 18, 2024.

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Filming company video

Hire with Confidence: Using Video to Foster Transparency and Clarity

If you could be totally transparent about your company, and your current job openings, would you be? Would you be willing to share the good, bad, and...

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Video producer reviewing set

3 Ways a Video Producer Can Help You

At its best, producing videos for your business or organization can be fun and creative. It's an outlet that gives your communications or marketing...

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Video Interview

8 Tips for Conducting a Video Interview

The word "interview" often brings to mind images of a TV news anchor asking tough, pointed questions as he tries to get to the bottom of an issue....

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Pen on video production contract

The Three Requirements for a Video Production Contract

Lights. Camera. Action! It sounds so easy, but there's much more that goes into a video production—which means there's much more involved than you...

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image of a videographer man holding camera

What is a Video Producer and What Do They Actually Do?

In many households, there’s usually a leader that takes charge to get things done. They’re the one that plans the meals, does the laundry, drives the...

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woman sitting in front of video camera

How to Look Good on Camera: 5 Things to Consider Before You Hit Record

I hear it all the time. “Do I look okay?” “You can edit out my wrinkles, right?” Trust me, no one likes the way they look on camera, not even the...

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man hugging a child

How to Make an Emotional Video

We live in a world flooded with video content, most of which we tune out, click off, or allow to drift across our screens, never to be thought of...

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video production

Checklist: Determine the Scope of Work for a Video Production Project

Editor's Note: This blog was originally published in 2015 and was updated in March 2023.

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close up of video camera

Producing About Us Corporate Videos: How to Make Them Interesting

What is a corporate video? The term “corporate video” covers a lot of bases, but it generally showcases something about your business, whether it’s...

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video production team members

Who Needs a Gaffer? The Real Members of a Video Production Team

Here's a multiple-choice question for you. When a movie ends, and the credits roll, what do you do? Watch the credits and hope for a post-credit...

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Comparing video production companies

Comparing Video Production Companies (& Impacts on Project Pricing)

Editor's Note: This blog was updated for accuracy and relevance in July 2024. How many people does it take to produce a video? This is a great...

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people chatting in front of a video camera

Video Interview Backgrounds & Backdrops: Choosing the Best Location

Finding the best video interview background is one of the most important parts of the video production process. There are a lot of different elements...

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woman in mtg with two others who is laughing

11 Types of Video Content to Master in 2022 (and 2 for the Future)

Do you remember what life was like before email, or smartphones, or social networks? It helps to remember all the advances in those areas to...

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