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Ed Heil

Ed Heil is the president of StoryTeller Media + Communications. StoryTeller is an inbound marketing agency and video production company based in Minneapolis. Ed blogs about inbound marketing, video production, social media, and media relations.

The Biggest Secret to Creating Corporate Videos That Resonate

When you combine moving pictures, strong characters, and a powerful narrative, you can take people somewhere and make them feel something – more...

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Boost Your Content's Credibility With These Principles of Journalistic Objectivity

Fake news is a real problem — and not just for journalists. Look no further than a new survey that says 75-percent of Americans find it difficult to...

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How to Create Business Stories That Make Your Clients Love You

Unearthing a memorable or impactful story is not easy - especially for businesses. And yet within every business are dozens of stories, it just takes...

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Short Video Case Studies: What We've Learned from Haskell's Video Blogs

One of my favorite marketing sayings is, "the best call-to-action on the internet is a video play button." Because it's true. There are plenty of...

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Create an Explainer Video Script to Delight Your Visitors

If I mention an explainer video, what comes to mind? If you're thinking of a whiteboard video or something with fun or fancy graphics or animations,...

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How to Make Training Videos That Employees Want to Watch

The corporate training video. It just sounds painfully boring, doesn’t it? And let’s be honest, if you’ve been forced to watch one of these...

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6 Practical Training Video Production Tips for Your Company

By now you’ve probably watched a video or two on how to do something (anything!) on YouTube. Whether it’s how to start a vegetable garden, how to...

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Real Nonprofit Video Storytelling: A Catholic Charities Case Study [video]

At StoryTeller, we believe in the power of real video storytelling to tell a complex, compelling story. So, it's important to us to share real video...

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Jim Chalmers: How The Marathon Man Inspires Others Every Time He Runs

In the wake of the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles, my family and I attended a send-off celebration for Minnesota athletes...

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5 Essential Tips for Creating Meaningful Full-Screen Graphics for Video

Full-screen graphics are great for advancing your video story. They can be helpful to condense confusing sound bites, introduce new thoughts and...

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Video Hosting Sites: 5 Times You Shouldn't Rely on YouTube Alone

It's free, it's easy, it's one of the world's largest search engines — it's a no-brainer. It's like going to grocery store to get your milk. It's...

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Video Blogging Tips: What is a Video Blog? [video]

Video blogs are a quick, very effective way to get attention online. That’s why we shot this video blog as an example. Video blogs are short,...

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Video Production Checklist: A Simple Script for Video Blogging

You don't need a Hollywood production to get attention online. In fact, you don't even need a fancy camera. You just need a good idea — and a good...

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Telling Stories That Matter: Be The Match [video]

Our philosophy here at StoryTeller is that GOOD videos come from GOOD stories. When you allow people to tell their own stories and make that the main...

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Videography Tips: What's the Difference between 4K, HD and a DSLR?

In recent years we have seen a wonderful evolution of video quality and in turn our clients have asked us questions like, "what's the difference...

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Telling an Inspirational Story: Homeless Man Gives Back

When you come from a television news background, it's easy to get jaded. Sure, I was known for producing feature stories and personality profiles at...

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5 Inspiring Fundraising Videos We Admire

There is no great secret one has to uncover to produce compelling fundraising videos, however, all effective fundraising videos should follow some...

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Videography Tips From a Pro: Does Camera Size Matter?

Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional, everyone who produces a video needs one simple tool: a camera. You just can not shoot a video without a...

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