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1 min read

How to Look Good on Camera: 5 Things to Consider Before You Hit Record

I hear it all the time.
“Do I look okay?”
“You can edit out my wrinkles, right?”

Trust me, no one likes the way they look on camera, not even the people who do it for a living. So, if you’re the lucky one who’s been chosen to be featured in your marketing video, have no fear, this quick video will help you understand how to look good on camera.

Clothing Options

When considering what to wear, keep it simple. Think solid colors, simple jewelry and limited accessories. Also, make sure you choose clothing that fits well. If it’s too snug, it will definitely look that way on camera. Too loose? You’re asking for an extra 10 pounds.

Hair & Makeup

On shoot day, style your hair and makeup the same way you do every day. Before heading out the door that morning, bring along a brush and hairspray to tackle any frizz and pack some face powder and a lip color. You’ll want to manage your shine, especially around the camera lights and a lip color will help bring out your features. For guys, ask your wife or girlfriend to borrow some powder. Trust me, you won’t be able to tell you have makeup on, instead it’ll make you look more polished and professional.

Being prepared for the messages you want to come across is both the best and worst thing you can do to prepare for your interview, depending on how you approach it. Talk with your boss and discuss what you should be saying. But do not, I repeat, do not memorize your answers. Authenticity is important when on camera, so just be you.

On that note, make sure your authenticity comes across loud and clear through your answers. Speak clearly and with confidence. If you stumble, stop and start over. If you’re not sure what to say, gather your thoughts and move forward confidently. Confidence is one of the first things noticed while watching someone on video – make it count.

Keep Calm & Have Fun!

Above everything else, when you get in front of that camera, BE YOURSELF. I tell everyone I interview, it’s just a conversation between the two of us, treat it that way! Take a deep breath, sit up straight and put on a smile. You’ll be much happier on the inside and the outside. Plus, everyone looks their best with a smile on their face.

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