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2 min read

Video Production Checklist: A Simple Script for Video Blogging

You don't need a Hollywood production to get attention online. In fact, you don't even need a fancy camera. You just need a good idea — and a good script. Some of the most effective videos on the Internet are video blogs — short, on-camera videos, usually about a minute long, that feature one person saying or showing something interesting.

One thing you should check off your video production checklist is a script. Video blogs work a lot like business blogs, allowing you to distribute content regularly and go after different keywords with every new piece of content. But they add the power of the play button, that urge we all have to click play when we see something intresting online. The secret is how you showcase that "something," because it's really tempting to overcomplicate things. So, we're sharing the simple script that keeps our clients focused and helps them drive online traffic through video blogging.

Keep It Simple

When you think of the videos you click on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, what do they have in common? They're often short and to the point — and you clicked them in the first place, because they seemed worth the time. That's the secret sauce that we're all trying to capture, so we recommend this simple script that showcases one main point - and not much more. 

  • Say hello.
  • Identify yourself.
  • Make your main point (or show the main thing).
  • Give three key details.
  • Say thanks and suggest further engagement.
  • Finish your video with a closing graphic that includes a logo call to action.

This format works whether you’re offering advice and thought leadership, or giving a simple how-to demonstration. Think about effective emails and memos. When they go longer than a couple paragraphs, the reader starts to miss some of your details. Same with video blogs, so stick to your main points and stay laser focused.

See The Results

How does it look in action? Like this video about why restaurants give you the wine cork that we produced as part of our very successful Quick Pours series for Haskell's liquor stores.



Video blogs so work well because they are short. The audience doesn't have to invest much time to get what they want – and if they want more, they'll be happy to click some more. That's why we recommend finishing with the call to action – asking the viewer to engage some more  at the end. 

PRO TIP: If you feel the need to make two main points, consider making two different video blogs. The points will stay focused, and the video blogs can actually be used to promote each other.

EXTRA PRO TIP: Be sure to transcribe your video blog. The text helps viewers scan the page and decide whether to click the video, and it helps search engines rank your page.


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