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StoryTeller Video Production Blog

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woman sitting in front of video camera

How to Look Good on Camera: 5 Things to Consider Before You Hit Record

I hear it all the time. “Do I look okay?” “You can edit out my wrinkles, right?” Trust me, no one likes the way they look on camera, not even the...

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affordable video production

Affordable Video Production Tips

Video works in delivering marketing results. That’s probably why 96% of marketers who have used video say they’ll continue to use it as an ‘important...

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meet the team: Steve Mulholland

Meet the Team: Steve Mulholland’s Storytelling Journey

If you need a complex story told in a visually intriguing way that connects with your audience, Steve Mulholland is your guy. He’s been at it for...

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internal company video, company video ideas

3 Places in your Company to Look For Video Ideas (and 1 to Avoid)

You’ve heard it here, you’ve heard it everywhere: video is an important part of a complete, balanced marketing strategy. It’s easy to repeat...

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man hugging a child

How to Make an Emotional Video

We live in a world flooded with video content, most of which we tune out, click off, or allow to drift across our screens, never to be thought of...

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video production

Checklist: Determine the Scope of Work for a Video Production Project

Editor's Note: This blog was originally published in 2015 and was updated in March 2023.

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Case study Minneapolis video production

Case Study: A Successful Minneapolis Video Production Project

You understand how important video is. People today expect to see videos when they’re deciding whether to work with a company or buy a product. In...

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video job descriptions

Transform Your Recruitment Process with Video Job Descriptions

Editor’s note: This post from 2017 was updated in 2023 with new best practices added. The pandemic and the Great Resignation have transformed the way...

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woman sitting in front of camera being filmed

Building a 2023 Video Marketing Strategy [FREE TEMPLATE]

Hey business owners and marketers, it's time to have a heart-to-heart about video marketing. If you aren't planning to dedicate a significant chunk...

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video style guide

Creating a Video Style Guide for Your Company, Brand or Business

Any content coming out of your marketing office is sure to have strict rules, regulations, and specifications around its presentation. Whether it’s...

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animated video production process

An Overview of the Video Animation Production Process

Video animation is both an art and a science, and increasingly, companies are realizing that animated video offers unique opportunities to build...

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explaining marketing animation and types of animation

Terms to Know to Understand Marketing Animation

An animated marketing video done well can work wonders for your business. It can catch attention, simplify complex information, and move people...

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close up of video camera

Producing About Us Corporate Videos: How to Make Them Interesting

What is a corporate video? The term “corporate video” covers a lot of bases, but it generally showcases something about your business, whether it’s...

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video production team members

Who Needs a Gaffer? The Real Members of a Video Production Team

Here's a multiple-choice question for you. When a movie ends, and the credits roll, what do you do? Watch the credits and hope for a post-credit...

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top video challenges why you need to hire a video production agency

Top Video Challenges: Why You Need to Hire a Video Production Agency

I have a little secret for you—video is the most effective form of content marketing today. Video in an email increases click-through rates by...

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Comparing video production companies

Comparing Video Production Companies (& Impacts on Project Pricing)

Editor's Note: This blog was updated for accuracy and relevance in July 2024. How many people does it take to produce a video? This is a great...

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people chatting in front of a video camera

Video Interview Backgrounds & Backdrops: Choosing the Best Location

Finding the best video interview background is one of the most important parts of the video production process. There are a lot of different elements...

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Alternative marketing that stands out

What Alternative Marketing Means Today (And How to Stand Out)

Gone are the days of “traditional” marketing and advertising strategies. Sharing campaigns across radio, TV, and print has become nearly obsolete–and...

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