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StoryTeller Video Production Blog

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Understanding the Cost of Video Production: Key Factors to Consider

Editor's note: This post originally published in December 2017 and was updated in August 2023. Over the years, we've produced a number of videos for...

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lighthouse shining in the dark sky

12 Essential Tactics to Consider for Your Digital Marketing Plan

Editor's Note: This post was edited for accuracy and relevance on August 26, 2024. The end of 2024 is fast approaching and now is the time to review...

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4 Tips For Finding Talent Using Inbound Recruiting and Hiring

If you’re like many companies and organizations over the last year, you’ve been struggling to secure the talent you need to run your operations. The...

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Amp Up Your Marketing with These Creative Video Ideas

When you have fresh, inspiring, creative ideas for new marketing tactics, it's easy to get excited about promoting your brand, but those ideas can be...

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looking at a golf club via a cell phone

4 Ways Private Golf Clubs Use Video To Stand Out

Think about your club. What are the qualities or characteristics that make it unique? How do you stand out from every other club in your area? If...

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The Top Video Production Best Practices & Trends to Watch in 2022

Editor's note: This post originally published in 2020 and was updated in September 2023. Did you know that consumers are watching over 5 billion...

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franchise pizza company employee handing a pizza to a customer

Creating Training Videos for Your Franchise

Hiring the right people for your business is difficult and for franchise operators, making sure new hires are trained correctly is critical. Setting...

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Essential Considerations for Your 2022 Video Marketing Plan

Congratulations! The boss says you’ve got the green light to begin producing video as part of your marketing plan and the leadership team supports...

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Mission 2022: Top Video Marketing Trends and Examples

Visual content continues to dominate the digital world’s center stage. That’s why leveraging video’s capacity to tell stories, engage with your...

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How to Pick the Best Sound Bites for Your Video Production

Picking the best sound bites is a critical part of most video production. Compelling comments that draw in an audience and keep them connected with a...

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Quality, Affordable Video Production That Comes To You, Anywhere

Over the last two years, the pandemic has shattered long-held structures within the world of work. The idea of a majority remote workforce shifted...

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When To Use Animated Videos For Your Video Marketing

Since the dawn of humanity, people have used images to communicate complex ideas in visually intriguing, stimulating ways to others. Today, companies...

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What Is An Explainer Video, and Why Do I Need One?

How much would you give in order to sit down with your target audience for a few minutes to explain what makes your business or organization unique?...

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How to Look Good on Camera: 5 Things to Consider Before You Hit Record [Video]

Editor's note: This blog was updated for relevancy and accuracy on July 31, 2024. Trust me, no one likes the way they look on camera, not even the...

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Planting Seeds for a Long-Term Video Marketing Strategy

When clients first approach us about creating a video marketing strategy, they feel excited but also nervous. ‘We know we should be making more...

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Create A No-Nonsense Video Marketing Strategy From Scratch

In today’s digital world, many companies are incorporating more video into their overall marketing strategy, but if they’re starting from scratch,...

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Tugging at Heartstrings:  Showcasing Your Nonprofit Mission Through An Emotional Video

If you’re a non-profit organization, you understand the importance of sparking an emotional connection with audiences more than most types of...

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be the hope - catholic charities 2020 slogan

The Digital Marketing Campaign That Gave Catholic Charities Their Best-Ever Holiday ROI

What does hope look like? What does it sound like, act like, and feel like? That's the question at the heart of Catholic Charities of St. Paul and...

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