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StoryTeller Video Production Blog

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A Beginner's Guide to Video Production Terms

Editor's Note: This post was been updated for accuracy and relevance in September 2023 We video production professionals like to feel as though we're...

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Social Media Advertising: Optimizing Your Video for Facebook Ads

Editor's Note: This blog was updated for relevance and accuracy on July 31, 2024. With more than a billion active users, the sheer size of Facebook...

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Creating a Successful Video Production Timeline From Start to Finish

Editor's Note: This blog post was updated for clarity and accuracy on September 18, 2023. Producing a video as part of your company’s video marketing...

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Make the Leap Into Business Video

I’m a '80s music fan. The loud guitars, big hair, and over the top antics — I love it all. So, when I started thinking about making the leap into...

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Corporate Video Services: The Best Videos to Create to Meet Your Goals

If you're thinking about producing a corporate video, you're in good company. According to HubSpot's State of Inbound Report, marketers are paying...

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Instant Video Library: Build a Video Library with Just One Shoot

Admit it… you’re helpless without your phone. So am I. I ask Siri for directions even when I know where I’m going. She’s not always 100% accurate,...

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The Biggest Secret to Creating Corporate Videos That Resonate

When you combine moving pictures, strong characters, and a powerful narrative, you can take people somewhere and make them feel something – more...

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Boost Your Content's Credibility With These Principles of Journalistic Objectivity

Fake news is a real problem — and not just for journalists. Look no further than a new survey that says 75-percent of Americans find it difficult to...

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How to Create Business Stories That Make Your Clients Love You

Unearthing a memorable or impactful story is not easy - especially for businesses. And yet within every business are dozens of stories, it just takes...

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4 Enviable Corporate Videos To Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Video has become an essential part of many company's marketing strategies. Let's face it, people these days are reading less and less. Video offers...

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4 Types of Effective Safety Training Videos for Your Employees

Safety training videos are about so much more than checking a box to fulfill compliance. Many of these safety videos can truly save lives. OSHA...

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Short Video Case Studies: What We've Learned from Haskell's Video Blogs

One of my favorite marketing sayings is, "the best call-to-action on the internet is a video play button." Because it's true. There are plenty of...

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Create an Explainer Video Script to Delight Your Visitors

If I mention an explainer video, what comes to mind? If you're thinking of a whiteboard video or something with fun or fancy graphics or animations,...

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How to Make Training Videos That Employees Want to Watch

The corporate training video. It just sounds painfully boring, doesn’t it? And let’s be honest, if you’ve been forced to watch one of these...

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graphic of laptop and money

What is Video Retargeting and How Can I Use it in My Marketing?

If you are here and reading this blog post, it's highly likely that you haven't done a lot with remarketing in the past. Did you know that retargeted...

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6 Ways to Make Enviable Employee Training Videos

Employee training videos can be a great way to make a lasting impression with your new hires, but those first impressions can just as easily turn...

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6 Practical Training Video Production Tips for Your Company

By now you’ve probably watched a video or two on how to do something (anything!) on YouTube. Whether it’s how to start a vegetable garden, how to...

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A Simple Guide to Video Production Rates

This blog post was updated for accuracy and relevance on August 16, 2023 When you spoke up at last week's marketing meeting stating that you think...

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