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StoryTeller Video Production Blog

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video production team members

Who Needs a Gaffer? The Real Members of a Video Production Team

Here's a multiple-choice question for you. When a movie ends, and the credits roll, what do you do? Watch the credits and hope for a post-credit...

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Alternative marketing that stands out

What Alternative Marketing Means Today (And How to Stand Out)

Gone are the days of “traditional” marketing and advertising strategies. Sharing campaigns across radio, TV, and print has become nearly obsolete–and...

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why your video is nothing more than a cheap commercial

Why Your Video is Nothing More than a Cheap Commercial

Think about the last video you watched. How did you find it? Were you actively looking for it? If that’s your answer, we call your bluff. Chances are...

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be the hope - catholic charities 2020 slogan

The Digital Marketing Campaign That Gave Catholic Charities Their Best-Ever Holiday ROI

What does hope look like? What does it sound like, act like, and feel like? That's the question at the heart of Catholic Charities of St. Paul and...

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Social Media Advertising: Optimizing Your Video for Facebook Ads

Editor's Note: This blog was updated for relevance and accuracy on July 31, 2024. With more than a billion active users, the sheer size of Facebook...

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graphic of laptop and money

What is Video Retargeting and How Can I Use it in My Marketing?

If you are here and reading this blog post, it's highly likely that you haven't done a lot with remarketing in the past. Did you know that retargeted...

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