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Video Marketing Guide

How to Use Video Across the Buyer's Journey

This eBook, with 50 killer video and marketing automation examples, will help you put the right video in the right place to meet your customer's needs.




Download the Guide Now!

Video marketing doesn't have to be confusing.

We've been producing video for years, so we know what moves your target audience based on where they are in the buyer's journey. In this breezy guide, we've compiled our best ideas and nitty-gritty tips for using video in each stage of the buying process: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision, including real examples of relevant videos we've produced for each.


When people don’t know anything about your company or products, don't underestimate the power of the play button. Video can grab (and hold) their attention better than any other channel.


Prospects know who you are — but they need to know more if they're going to decide to buy what you're selling. Give them useful, relevant, understandable videos that inform and entertain.


They see you, they know you—so what's going to get them to choose you? Here's where you can break out testimonials, case studies, sales videos, and more to get them to pull the trigger.