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2 min read

Top Video Challenges: Why You Need to Hire a Video Production Agency

I have a little secret for you—video is the most effective form of content marketing today. Video in an email increases click-through rates by 200-300%. Video on landing pages increases conversion rates by 80%. And after watching a video, 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online.

This may not be new information for you, but why then do so few companies produce so little video content? Is it resources? Is it budget? We were curious too, so we recently polled over 60 companies to better understand what their biggest video marketing hurdles are. Here are some of the most common challenges we collected along with why most of these pain points might suggest hiring a video agency to get the job done.

5 Key Video Challenges and Ideas From the Video Experts

Challenge #1: Where to Begin?

We have solutions for this one. We've written a lot of content through the years on what you should think about before launching into a video shoot. Here are a few favorites to help you get your shoot off the ground.

Challenge #2: Budget Considerations

As with any project when you are launching or product you are purchasing, some variables contribute to the cost of goods or services. Video is no different. Budgets depend on a variety of elements and will vary based on the desired scope of the project. Check out these posts to help you determine what you should consider when planning your video marketing budget.

Challenge #3: Having the Bandwidth and Resources to Produce Video In-House

Unless you are going to hire an in-house videographer and producer, your in-house production is likely to miss the mark. There are so many qualifications needed to produce video that will drive results and adequately reflect your brand — good writing, message alignment, lighting, scripting, editing, and knowing how to get your video found. That's too much to expect from any in-house amateur. Video production is a job for an experienced professional. Before hiring video talent, we encourage you to do your homework or it could cost you more in the long run.

Challenge #4: Creating Engaging Content, Storytelling

One of our favorite sayings when it comes to great storytelling is "the more you leave out, the more you highlight what you leave in" — meaning make every word count! With the influx of content and even video content, you are competing for the attention of your audience. Be brief, be effective. Here are some tips from our favorite StoryTellers.

Challenge #5: Proving an ROI for Video

All content is not created with the same purpose in mind. Before we begin working on any video projects, it's essential that we understand the "WHY" and the "WHAT." We want to know why you are creating this video and what you hope it's going to accomplish. If the goal is to convert a visitor to a lead, we might suggest a video that's ideal for a landing page or a downloadable offer. If the intent of the video is to create awareness, perhaps a video blog that is ideal for social sharing is the right approach. And with analytics provided by hosting platforms like Wistia, you can provide insights to better help you create strategy and budget.

There were many other challenges that our poll revealed. Universally, it doesn't appear to matter how large your organization is or what industry you are in, the desire to streamline the process, contain cost, and tell great stories is prevalent. We have a simple solution to fix your challenge...leave it to the video experts.

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